Back to our roots; a series where we crack open the vaults to take you back to landmark releases from our back catalogue.
For this edition, we're talking about Technimatic; a duo fresh off the back of a slew of tour dates across the globe and the release of their outstanding 'Through The Hours' LP back in April. The Deluxe Edition of this album saw Technimatic drop an exclusive vinyl-only VIP of one of the tracks we're covering today; 'Changeling'. Check it out below.
'Changeling' is one half of Technimatic's first-ever release with us; the 'Those Feelings' / 'Changeling' 2-track affair which dropped on our sister label, SGN:LTD, back in 2011.
This release showcases the core elements of the Technimatic sound we all know and love today. Atmospheric pads and subtle piano overtones throughout take the tracks to a slightly spacey dimension, while the shuffling drums and low-slung basslines give them that extra bite.
These tracks marked the start of many good things to come for Technimatic. Read on for a catch up with Pete and Andy (Technimatic) to rewind the clocks and discuss their debut release with us.
What was the process like behind the release of 'Those Feelings / Changeling' on SGN:LTD?
Pete: In 2011, Andy and I had been working together for a few years, and had released tunes on various labels. We weren't really affiliated with anyone and were just sending out stuff to places we felt suited the style of music we were making. After we'd finished 'Changeling' we both felt it had quite a 'Shogun Audio' sound, so we were keen to try and get it to them. I knew a friend of a friend who said they'd be able to get it under the nose of Ed (Friction) and Keir (K-Tee), so we sent the tune off and waited. But months went by and we'd pretty much given up on that avenue when suddenly an email arrived from Ed saying he really liked the tune and whether we might be able to provide another track to go with it.
Andy: That moment was just amazing. It really was at the point of us forgetting we'd even sent the tune on to writing more sketches, just creating as much music as we could. I think Ed also invited us down to meet in Brighton and it suddenly felt like the start of something. As we have found through our own experiences, that persistence is key and just believing something might come from the music you've made and believe in. Just remembering those moments now fills me with some amazing emotions. I also remember sitting on my sofa at home late at night and I got a text from Pete saying he had a vocal that might fit the sketch I'd sent him that became 'Changeling'. I still vividly remember that moment of receiving the initial rough MP3 from him with said vocal on top. I think I caught such a vibe on that initial idea that I didn't get to bed until the early hours, I was buzzing so much from it. The whole period was really exciting!
Amazing! And this year you released a VIP of 'Changeling' exclusively on the Deluxe Edition of 'Through The Hours' - how did that come about?
Pete: Well, 'Changeling' has actually always been one of my favourite tunes from our back catalogue, and we've always discussed making a slightly updated version. So for our recent album, which was about the past, present and future, we thought it would be appropriate to give it a little 2019 update.
Andy: This VIP was also made specifically for one of our favourite sets we've ever played - the Shogun show at Phonox in August 2018. It was something from our past tracks that we wanted to be able to bring right up to date and make an exclusive for the sets, especially the label parties.
You can now own this exclusive VIP along with 3 other vinyl-only tracks on the Deluxe Edition of 'Through The Hours'. Hit the button below to see all of its stunning features.