The Prototypes - Rage Within / Insomniac

The Prototypes - Rage Within / Insomniac
SHA067 - Released 06/05/2013
The Prototypes put their very particular set of skills to good use as they crank the controls to up to eleven and max out the mixing desk for another enormous release.
With a rounded, rich production that oozes class ‘Rage Within’ opens in typically cinematic fashion with Takura’s yearning vocal that floats over a smooth chord progression making way for the kicks to roll. Then take a breath as we’re catapulted head-on into some bassline warfare.
‘Insomniac’ is another lesson in how to demolish the dance, this time opting for some heavy metal guitar power chords that set the tone in the intro before the drop into a pummeling mid-range riff that shares the limelight with laser synth stabs and large smacking drums to wreak havoc.